Why Porn Is Destroying Your Masculinity | by Nathan Corry | Medium

Masturbation and watching pornography is both a deadly combination for a man. After masturbation, you feel guilty, shameful, and depleted of energy. Continual exposure to pornographic material will send signals to your mind that women are to be viewed solely for sexual purposes. In addition to this, it will hamper your success with women in real life.

Source: Why Porn Is Destroying Your Masculinity | by Nathan Corry | Medium

5 thoughts on “Why Porn Is Destroying Your Masculinity | by Nathan Corry | Medium”

  1. i often wonder if there’s an on-line group of severely submissive boys who Need to …display… their intense Need to prove they are worth of competing to be chosen to PERFORM for the Respectable Ladies in every imaginable way…

  2. Very true Richard!

    I remember in my porn relapse days the more I tried to stop the more intense the relapse.

    After accepting that I was a porn addict and a chronic masturbator my addiction really took off!

    I now LOVE being a pornosexual and am proud of it.

  3. @Jim, What the anti-porn movement fails to understand is that many of us crave exactly what they describe, and find the futile attempt to escape our addiction only leads to further arousal and masturbation.

  4. “Porn users kill their ability to perform sexually in real life by conditioning their brain to get aroused by sitting alone in front of a computer rather than being with an actual person.”

    This is fantastic! It helps the pussy free masturbator movement go forward!

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