Onania Masturbator Forum: Managing the urge

In the Onania Masturbator Forum, a Masturbator Wrote:

It’s so difficult and I lack the will power. I come into my home office in the morning with every good intention. Not an intention of not masturbating — that would be pointless — but the intention of getting some work done FIRST, then rewarding myself with a nice long session. But like a robot I go on automatic to G+ and my naughty Gmail account, and the session begins without even a second thought. Masturbation addiction is real, and incurable. I need help, but help would be to no avail. I am a masturbator

For more like this, join the Onania Masturbator Forum,  a supportive, affirming community of people living with chronic addiction to masturbation. The focus is on our lives as addicted masturbators, and the pleasures / conflicts / impacts related to our compelling habit.

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