Onania Masturbator Forum: addiction to masturbation

In the Onania Masturbator Forum, a Masturbator Wrote:

I want to share the things that are going thru my mind as my addiction to masturbation continues to grow. First, every waking moment that my mind is not occupied with a task, of some kind, I am thinking about masturbating my cock. Porn is no longer always required, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy porn, it’s a fuel, but it’s not always required. My mind goes right to my addiction, so chronic that I want to share it with other masturbators. I don’t need to touch myself every time, heck I’m rock hard just writing about my addiction to touching myself. I can’t clear these thoughts from my head. I was told this could happen, and I never imagined it would continue to this level. I feel so helpless, and this arouses me more. I am touching myself now, I want the feeling all the time. Stroking gives me the feeling, the feeling requires the stroking, stroking gives me the feeling, the feeling requires the stroking……………jay mayo


For more like this, join the Onania Masturbator Forum,  a supportive, affirming community of people living with chronic addiction to masturbation. The focus is on our lives as addicted masturbators, and the pleasures / conflicts / impacts related to our compelling habit.

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