Masturbation Therapy

Supportive Therapy for Masturbators Like You

Masturbation addiction is a sensitive, private subject for most of us. It is hard to find others who understand our needs, and will not judge or criticize our choices. But you are not alone.

Masturbation Therapy is an informal, free non-commercial community of chronic masturbators like you. You can talk confidentially and openly (and sexually-explicitly) about living with chronic masturbation addiction. In group sessions or private, one-on-one conversations we share our feelings, pleasures and challenges of being addicted masturbators, giving each other mutual support and understanding. The service is open to masturbators of all genders and sexual orientations. Of course you are permitted to masturbate openly as we talk.

SEXUAL AROUSAL TRIGGER WARNING: This is not professional addiction therapy or counseling. Frank discussion of chronic masturbation addiction may cause sexual arousal and strong urge to masturbate. Masturbation Therapy may diminish the ability of male masturbators to penetrate pussy and copulate successfully, leading to a permanent pussy-free condition. Persons attempting to recover from masturbation addiction should seek professional guidance.

  • Interactive Masturbation Therapy is available in the Discord application. Discord provides rapid messaging, and voice and/or cam sharing with other masturbators. For further information see Onania Masturbatorium on Discord.
  • Masturbation Therapy is also available in the online Onania Masturbator Forum

Male masturbators are likely to experience the following issues. Follow the links for more information

  • Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder – PPAD. Loss of erection, failure to erect, or premature ejaculation when presented with a penetrable pussy. The more available the pussy, the less the penis is able to penetrate it.
  • Male PMS (Pathetic Masturbator Syndrome) – association of masturbation addiction with shame, humiliation, sexual inadequacy, or feeling “pathetic”. And the emotional distress becomes eroticized, leading to even greater urgency to masturbate.
  • The NO PUSSY PLEDGE – accept your life as a pussy-less Pathetic Male Masturbator.