Masturbation Addiction – How do I Know if I’m Addicted?
The easiest way to tell if you have an addiction to masturbation would be to stop. Try to abstain from masturbation, or any other form of sex outside of marriage, for 30 days. If you are able to go this long without masturbating on your first try, you are probably not addicted. However you may want to consider quitting anyway for the sake of your relationships. If, like me, you find yourself barely able to go more than two or three days, you appear to have an addiction problem. Since masturbation affects the body, soul, and spirit; recovery must take place in all three areas. The physical recovery involves abstinence. We’ve already mentioned above that this is a difficult or impossible thing on our own. So we need the emotional support that can only come from reaching out to other people for accountability. This could include counseling with a Christian counselor experienced in sexual addiction issues or joining an online support group for sexual sins. This can be a frightening step, in that masturbation addiction tends to be a secret sin, and there is a feeling of shame in admitting this struggle. And that feeling of shame can also keep us from asking forgiveness from the One who gives it freely. But that spiritual healing and renewal is a critical part of the recovery process.
I agree! My addiction to masturbation is one of the joys of my life. Nothing finer than my ability to enjoy my penis – especially in the presence of other people looking on! I see nothing wrong with this obsession – other than the time I could spend on other “more worthy” pursuits (like what could be more worthwhile than masturbation?!)
Fantastic, thanks!!!
From the world’s finest news source: Study: Most Self-Abuse Goes Unreported,1086/