Overcoming Masturbation | My Addiction Story – YouTube
Overcoming Masturbation | My Addiction Story – YouTube Read More »
Have you been masturbating too much? Trying to stop? Oh really?
Can masturbation play a role in this addiction? Of course, but masturbation is not required. That said, frequent ejaculation in animals leads to several brain changes that inhibit dopamine, and thus libido, for several days. Under normal circumstances, sexual satiety (defined differently for each species) leads to males taking a time out from sexual activity.
Start here for an overview of concepts & science | Your Brain On Porn Read More »
As I write this, it’s been over 30 days since I last masturbated. Consciously giving up jerking off is a lot harder than I thought it would be, and I’m not alone in thinking that. Another VICE writer from Australia admits it was hard after he beat me to publishing a story about this last
Dipping My Dick in the NoFap Movement | VICE Canada Read More »
While most sex addicts actively seek treatment, pushed by some obvious consequence of a legal, occupational, health or relational type, the solitary nature of the compulsive masturbator’s behavior leaves their actions less subject to the direct consequences of other forms of sexual acting out. The addict engaging in compulsive masturbation seeks therapeutic intervention for help