Author name: Onania_Orgasm

Onania . Org/asm is a resource for people living with chronic masturbation addiction. It is owned by Richard Lovel and expresses his life-long fascination with masturbatory behavior — especially in its more chronic and compulsive manifestations.

What is gooning? The NSFW term explained. | Mashable

Have you ever put on some legendary porn and masturbated for hours, never allowing yourself to orgasm, until you went into a trancelike state and lost all sense of space and time?  No? Well, you clearly haven’t tried gooning. Source: What is gooning? The NSFW term explained. | Mashable

What is gooning? The NSFW term explained. | Mashable Read More »

Information and Advice

Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder

PPAD is distinguished from normal Erectile Dysfunction: The patient will be able to achieve and maintain erections while masturbating, even masturbating to images of penetrable pussy, but experience extreme anxiety and erectile failure in actual pussy-penetration situations.

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Information and Advice, Site, , , ,

Urban Dictionary: Pathetic Male Syndrome

Pathetic Male Syndrome Also known as “PMS”. When a man cannot go through a day of life without whining or complaining. Men suffering from PMS are easily threatened by the modern lifestyle and especially of independent women. His aim is to impress his friends rather than women. Men with PMS should be thrown out of

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